Yabby Lake doesn’t sound like the greatest place, yabby rhymes with shabby. However, this lake is on the Mornington Penninsula which sounds like a lovely place to enjoy a cup of coffee out on your porch, if you do that sort of thing. This Yabby Lake Chardonnay was a pretty bright yellow in the glass. It had a pleasant nose that was fruity, smelling of apples as well as vanilla.
But, I did not read the label. It states that this wine is aged for 10 months in oak. One third in new oak, one third in year old oak and the remaining third in two year old oak. Would you like some oak with your oak? Something I learned long ago is that I do not, repeat do not, like my chardonnay over-oaked. In fact, I prefer it naked (or least wearing next to nothing).
All this being the case, this wine is not going down the drain, and not only because it was $25. Its not bad and I don’t hate it. It is a good wine, just has more oak than I prefer. As I learned at last month’s wine club, the chardonnay tasting, many people enjoy oak in this amount so I don’t think its even over-oaked. This wine has taught me to read the labels of chardonnay. Closely. And to enjoy the rest of this bottle with a hunk of strong cheese.
The Score: ★ ★
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